Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tuesday January 3, 2012

Warm Up: Warm Up: 20 each (wrist circles, elbow circles, shoulder circles, side bends, high knees walk, frankensteins, hip circles, fire hydrants) 400M high knees skip, and 20 tuck jumps

Mobility: Foam Roll 10min, 2 min couch each; 4 min hamstring stretch and 1 min couch after conditioning

Strength:  Deadlift 5x5 +1 (2 min rest between sets)
Accessory:  Good Mornings 5x5 (hold plate to chest 45/25)

Conditioning:  As many KB swings as possible in 5 min.  Every minute on the minute starting on the 2nd minute, complete 3 sets stationary lunge holding KB to chest

Post loads and reps to comments.  


  1. Good work today thanks Doc.
    Dl 325 5x5 + 10
    kb swings 47 needs work

  2. Good group today - thanks Lee and Noble.

    DL - 225 to 285 - Noble's coaching on starting on my heels helped. 5x285 hopefully means more than 315 1RM.

    KB Swings - 120 (I think) using 35lb. I need a counter.

    Couch is getting easier although still almost cried. :)

  3. Great working with a group again.
    DL- 285- 385
    KB swings 45lb. 121
    2 position couch feels alot better than just diving in to full couch.
    Thank alot Doc for the work

  4. Great seeing my buddy Jeff at 5am!

    Deadlift 205/225/245/255/255+1 (should have been using a lot more weight)

    106 KB swings @ 45#

  5. Dead lift 205, 255, 275, 285, 300,300+1

    98 KB @ 45"#

    I was catching up from yesterday.
