Sunday, January 1, 2012

Monday Jan 2, 2012

Warm Up:  20 each (wrist circles, elbow circles, shoulder circles, side bends, high knees walk, frankensteins, hip circles, fire hydrants) 400M high knees skip, then 20 tuck jumps

Strength:  5-5-5-5-5 Bench Press/dumbbell pullover
Balance:  after every set of bench, pull ups to failure

Endurability:   "Whatsamata Tabata"

1 round each of:  OVS, SDHP, Thruster, and Hand Release Push Ups
there is a 1 min rest between rounds
all barbell movements use 65/45

Log you weight loads and reps of pulls ups, and then cummulative tabata score


  1. Why the bench press? I thought that CrossFit frowned on it for bias to the chest and away from the back.

    Despite that, I maintain my bench press in regular rotation because I think I need it for balance.

  2. aww come on Garett some of us like to get a little bench now and then lol

  3. Garett,

    CrossFit doesn't frown on the bench press, maybe just bad technique with the bench press.

    You can find it in some of the girl and hero WODs, as well as on some of the mainsite WODs, and in the powerlifitng cert.


  4. So happy to get to bench again!

    135/155/185/205/225 X4
    Not bad since my last 1RM was 235

    Pullups to failure 13/10/9/8/7/8

    Tabata 51/73/43/60 = 227
    OHS @ 45#, the rest as RX'd.
