Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thursday 01/05/2012

Warm Up: 20x PVC passthru, burpees; 2x15 Y's, L's, T's (posterior shoulder complex)
Mobility:  2 min global expansion, 2 min achilles killer; PVC burgener warm up
WOD:  Death by Power Snatch 95/65# / jumping jack
Every minute, on the minute, add 1 ps and 1 jumping jack, until you can no longer complete the work in that minute.  Subtract your total rounds from 100, and complete that number of KB windmills.
Ex.  you complete 15 rounds, you must do 85 KB windmills (per side).

What is a windmill? 

Have fun with this.  Slow control on the windmills. 
Post rounds completed to comments.


  1. 10 rounds @ 75#
    90 windmills @ 15# (had some trouble with this movement thanks for the help Doc)

  2. 8 rounds Rx
    92 windmills Rx

    Had a good work out with Dan and Doc thanks guys!
